No sooner than I get there I'm introduced to Alex the co-creator of the group and Amy, another girl I hadn't met before and we head inside to meet the rest of the little group. This little group is 20 to 30 of the most diverse collection of souls I've ever met, a complete alphabet soup of diversity coming together to offer support for each other and the topic of the day!!
How to achieve the best results, from the proposed relocation of the train station.
with the group discussing ideas for the footpaths roadways and intersections to ease the traffic congestion problem they have now
I know. Your thinking to yourself "an odd topic of discussion for a gender diversity group" surely shouldn't they me proposing that the red stoplight is changed to pink.
but then again why not , its an important proposal that will affect all of the citizens of Wyndham however we identify ourselves
Of course we discussed the flag raising ceremony that will be happening shortly, and ways to support each others business interests and how best to provide a safe community for all.
I was totally blown away, by just how diverse this group really is ,
Shhhhhh. they even have straight people there.
I know shocking , and they were really nice too. Not at all like I was led to believe.
You can
Find them on facebook
Find them on facebook
Wyndham Rainbow Neighbours
email them on
If you find yourself wanting something to do
Thursday, 17 May 2012 at 9:30 am
why not join us as we raise the flag raise the flag and stand proud!
Come meet with your GLBTIQ community and celebrate an inclusive society.
Morning tea provided.If you rsvp on facebook
or via email
that always helps for catering, otherwise just turn up!
IDAHo Day - Raising the Rainbow Flag in Wyndham