
This is just to random
I periodically check my junk mail to see if anything important slipped through the filter and low and behold I find this little gem from Tara the medium
Yes its true I'm guilty at times of getting sucked in by the promise of what she has to offer, and paying a fee for advice
I'm a dreamer ,so shoot me
but this one in the light of what has been going on in my life with friends that I cannot contact and friends that have stopped contacting me . I just have to share this


Dear Alice,

We all live in a specific location. We have certain activities, we’re surrounded by certain people, and we all lead a certain kind of life. Among the people you know, your friends are very important, whether you have one or many.

First you have to know who your real friends are, and differentiate them from simple acquaintances. The best time to do that is when things get tough.

An acquaintance will always find an excuse for not helping you out, or coming to see you. But a real friend will always be there to offer comfort and come to your aid, sometimes even before you call on them!

You don’t have to wait for something terrible to happen to know who would help you when you have a problem. Think about the people around you, and those you consider your friends. Then imagine a difficult situation, and try to figure out who you’d be able to count on under such difficult circumstances.

Draw up a list of who you think your real friends are, and then be straight with them. Above all, don’t let minor arguments ruin a great friendship.

Before you start a fight with someone and say things you may regret later on, think hard and ask yourself whether the friendship you have is really worth sacrificing because you’re angry.

If the answer is no, do what’s necessary to reconcile with the other person, whose help and support you’ll need one day. Also let them know they can count on you at any time.

Your devoted friend,


In short just because I haven't contacted you in a while or seen your smiling face does not mean that I don't think about you
I spend almost all my spare time wondering how you all are and what your doing
Even the friends that seem to have forgotten about me and seem to no longer care for me in any way 
I will always love each and every one of you till the end of my life 
even if it does feel like a one-sided friendship right now
If your missing a friend never let a petty argument or situation come between you , friendships are not easily won but they are worth all the energy invested in them

To all my friends near and far I love you more than you could ever Believe possible  



Ina said...

Friends are very special people and we would find it very miserable to live without them. At time we feel we just want to isolate ourselves but true friends will try and bring us back to reality by supporting us in our hour of need. To me you are such a friend, So look after your self, or I will come over and whack you under the ear.. :)

Alice Paige said...

Ouch my ears hurting already .
You too are one of those very important people in my life , And I feel blessed that I can call you my friend

Bree said...

Thankyou, Alice, for your friendship and your loving heart that 'doesn't have an off switch' takes courage to keep it open and allow it to feel..