My last day at work as a ?

So finally I had my last day at work  presenting as something not quite female and definitely anything but  male
if the way I've been treated at job sites is true
Almost every time I get onto a site I am met with offers of help or winning smiles and confused looks
It's both nice and disconcerting at the same time . As its hard to read what they are thinking
So far no-one this year has been either  rude, vulgar and no one at any of the sites has seen fit to make nasty comments about the  trannie .
I did have some bad things happen last year . But I also had so many delightful experiences that they far out weighed both the bad experiences and what I had been led to believe a lonely and sad life
Something I was much prepared for but glad that I was so surprised at both the love and heartfelt respect I have received

today would have been a perfect sitcom
the day in the life of Alice as she battles with staff that have no clue how long it takes to get a job done let alone get there and back
it really was one poorly orchestrated mishap after another . and yes I totally lost my cool and put my fist through a wall at work
Something I haven't done in many years not proud of it , but yes I had a tanty and there was not a tantrum mat in sight

Out of the Seven jobs on my list today not even one went right
From not being told the colour paint to pick up and being supplied white instead of off white (YaY)
Or the shower that I had to both build on site and spend three hours driving for
To the very large thick glass panel that not only was a pain to manoeuvre up three flights of stairs instead of the advised One . but also it  had been measured wrong so we had to get it back down into the van lugging  a Fifty kilo panel is hard enough with out having to wend it up through a narrow stairwell

 But In one way I leave this Year of work , Secure in a job with beautiful caring and loving people who acknowledge the fact I am very good at my job . but respect and understand the fact that transition for me is not a choice but a decision based on both my physical and mental well being
And as such have asked me on more than one occasion " When (not if ) I'm going to go full time "
and as such are helping me to make the transition smoother

If you think I love the job and people I work with you would be correct

Even when its as crazy as today was , I still have never had as much love and respect as I have had this last two years since I first moved here to begin anew

And as of next year I will finally be able to pick up the phone and say
" FlexiRobes, Alice Paige  speaking"

 January the Ninth I come back as Alice Renae Paige full time , no more will I have to use my old name again I so can't wait and whats even better my name change and gender marker will be updated also
so it will be official I'm a girl and I'm also really named "Alice"

Mwah love you all so much
Have a fantastic Christmas
love laugh and enjoy your time



Bree said...

Funny how life seems to push and push us when we're close to the finish line. A sense of humour certainly helps. :-) Enjoy your well earned break, Sweetie. Blessings! xx

Ina said...

You are a gorgeous girl that has been hiding away to long. So finally you can let your hair down. Girls are gentle [wink].
All the best and safe traveling
Hugs Ina