So its only been one week since I went back to work as Alice or just five days if you want to be technical about it. I'm still a little overwhelmed at the fact I finally did it after all this time . and a little surprised at how fast it all happened once I made a decision
I had been expecting some resistance at work to be honest. Don't get me wrong my bosses have been so supportive and understanding of my need to take such a huge life changing decision. And over the last few years I have received little in the way of negative reactions. And even those were snide comments and derogatory comments not aggressive and threatening actions
At work Charlie is just amazing to say the least, for a man who is in his 60's his reaction towards me has been one of total respect and understanding we still chat and joke just as we did last year. the only difference is that he now calls me Alice and thinks of me, or I should say treats me as if I am a genetic female.
As for the girls in the office. they are also calling and treating me with the same respect I gave them in coming out to them. they are now advising my customers that Alice will come to measure or install their showers, mirrors or splash-backs
And already this week I have been to seen several of my clients from last year and this might sound silly ,but the lack of a reaction to seeing me in obviously female clothing and make-up is both reassuring and unsettling at the same time. not that I expected a bad reaction ,I just guessed there might have been a moment of surprise .And in a discussion with one new mum I told her about my Daughter , then I suddenly wondered if she knew I was originally male or if she was convinced I had given birth and was a real female
as some of my friends tell me how passable I am
Oh Well
Of my trade customers four this week have seen the new and improved me
when I told Sam I was changing my name and explained why he was actually surprised to say the least , but he did ask some questions and I answered them all honestly without going into to much detail . He seemed to take on board this news quite well and seemed happy that I had enough respect for him to explain why and what was happening
Joe . now he's a different kettle of fish. Several months ago he politely asked if I was gay, as he was picking up some signals from me and was trying to work it out . Not being in a position
So when I told him that I was in transition from male to female, and that I had gone full-time
He was not shocked at all and mentioned that he had noticed certain developments over the last year
so even without a bra it was becoming impossible to hide my new breasts. Which of course I'm more than happy about
So after I helped him get his order together as he was about to leave he got half way through using my old name then in a fluster apologised and used my new name. Its that point of time where you grin from ear to ear.
Not because he got flustered but because he said sorry and corrected himself
I am sure that over the next six months that will happen less until finally the name he thinks of is Alice
But I would be a fool to think that I can break this news and have everyone get it straight away
but the fact of someone correcting themselves means that they are trying to show you that they actually respect your decision
The biggest surprise bar far was my bosses two young kids came over to say hi and offer us doughnuts
Quoting them " hi Alice would you like a doughnut "
They are only about 10 years old and have always called me by my former name. But obviously Matthew had sat them down and explained some of what is happening too me.
I know that children adapt to changes a bit quicker, but I feel flattered that Matthew respects me enough to explain it to his children
So next week I have several appointments with past clients, some of those are on construction sites not that I expect to be treated any differently than before, although with past experience when I have been a little more obvious, I have been pleasantly surprised at the offers of assistance and the polite way that I have been treated. So really I can only expect this next coming week to be just as positive
Even still It is such an odd feeling of stillness and peace inside. And I am sure this quietness will feel more comfortable in time but right now it leaves me a little confused as I wasn't really ready for it to be this easy
But I am still more than happy with the outcome so Far . And looking forward to the future with expectation of the marvellous experiences yet to happen
Thankyou everyone for taking the time to read