Following last month’s cafe night I received a call from a lady, who after having seen us all having a fun night, wanted to join in yet didn’t want to interrupt just in-case it was a private group.
Christine contacted me the next day to see if she could come to the next night as
both her and her partner would love to meet us all. After a great chat she
promised to be at the next ‘Alphabet
Soup’ night.
You can imagine my glee at having someone that I've never met wanting to be part of the fun
I never really thought it would be as popular as it has become and would have been quite content with just a few turning up. In fact it has far exceeded any expectations I had for this group
You can imagine my glee at having someone that I've never met wanting to be part of the fun
I never really thought it would be as popular as it has become and would have been quite content with just a few turning up. In fact it has far exceeded any expectations I had for this group
tables each seating eight or more filled with lovely happy people, some for whom
it their first time out in public. And yet all were getting to know their neighbours
and make new connections, as each shared a little of their life story
As the
night continued I noticed little groups of new friends forming and reforming as
they moved around the room. watching as my close friends looked after and made sure the newcomers felt welcomed and cherished
Later that
night I had a chance to sit back with my friend Ina, and just watch from
the outside as each and everyone formed these small enclaves, even the partners
formed a small group at one end of the table, and discussed the issues
affecting them Sharing the burden we as partners place on them.
It reminds me of the urgency to create an alternate place for the partners to congregate without us around, a place where they can be truly free to voice their issues. Don’t misread my words I love having the partners come along to these events and show support to us in a public environment. And I cherish their input, but I would dearly love to see them have a support network of their own, we have so many support groups yet our partners are sometimes left out in the cold, feeling at times betrayed by us and our selfish need to be ourselves. So shortly myself and another very active lady in the community will be establishing a private space for our partners to be able to meet up with each other and express their concerns and fears knowing we are not allowed to be there. We owe it to our partners to make this private space possible.
It reminds me of the urgency to create an alternate place for the partners to congregate without us around, a place where they can be truly free to voice their issues. Don’t misread my words I love having the partners come along to these events and show support to us in a public environment. And I cherish their input, but I would dearly love to see them have a support network of their own, we have so many support groups yet our partners are sometimes left out in the cold, feeling at times betrayed by us and our selfish need to be ourselves. So shortly myself and another very active lady in the community will be establishing a private space for our partners to be able to meet up with each other and express their concerns and fears knowing we are not allowed to be there. We owe it to our partners to make this private space possible.
As always. A big Thankyou too all of you for making the Alphabet Soup cafe night the success that it is.
I look forward to seeing you at the next event

1 comment:
Yes it was a good night and everyone seemed to find their spot in the room. It was especially good to see the partners talking over their special problems among them self's. More power to you Alise
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