Finally after much prodding and threats of ice water I managed to rouse Andrea from her deep slumber. And now at last we can go and explore the Sydney Chinatown and wharf district. Andrea and myself caught up with Jade who I have also never met before ,even though I consider them both as two of my closest friends
. So of we go to Chinatown as one of the things I really wanted to try here was Yum Cha ,as I had never experienced it before and a great friend of mine really wanted me to try chickens feet . It was so much fun watching all these trolleys come out with unpronounceable names. so Andrea ordered for us all and steamers full of delicious food proceeded to be offered up to us , deep fried chili prawns and whole range of dumplings . I reminded her about the the chickens feet or Ji jiao and she made sure to order a serve just for me
Of course me loving Facebook so much I couldn't resist posting a picture of it . by the time I had finished the first foot ,I get a message from an eager friend wanting to know if I liked it , Thing I actually loved them to the point of wanting more and telling my friend next time we meet i will have to try the Ox intestine. which she held me to my promise .After what seemed like and endless procession of servings. We finished our lovely meal with Two plates of my favourite dessert

traditional Chinese egg tart made with lard not butter in the pastry
it makes the pastry super rich and flakey
I had first tried these after building the first breadtop store in South Australia the only thing that would have finished the meal perfectly would be a nice green tea bubble tea
their is a really good movie where two bakeries one on each side of the road rival each other. and it gets quite heated, and ever since then I have loved the chines egg tart , which is to me far better than the english version they were adapted from
next stop was just a short waddle away
The magnificent Chinese Gardens of Friendship.. I could not think of a better place for us three friends to spend our fist real meeting together
Its so beautiful and tranquil that you really do forget where you are . as we strolled around from sitting area where we would just stop soak in the peace and chat . then we would slowly make our way to the next sitting area
the sites and sounds in that garden would leave me breathless and amazed at how such a relatively tiny area could contain so much variation and secluded areas for us to sit and chat in person for the fist time
Sorry boring slide show
I have no idea how it happened but it reminds me of an oil or water painting on canvas |
on our way back to the car we found this nice pancake restaurant
and we somehow managed to fit in even more food
Me and Andrea shared a delicious savoury crepe , before we started of on the decadent pancake that sat before us
the much smarter Jade delicately consumed her strawberry and cream pancake . yummy. While me and Andrea with our belly's full complained that we couldn't finish the deliciously sinfully rich treat
All that remained was to get me back to the airport so I could head of home
Even with all the delays caused by Jetstar , I had easily one of the best weekends
I realised I'm emotionally stronger than I ever thought I could be
if I can sort out and arrange tickets for myself and others surely I should be able to achieve anything
Thankyou too my two lovely and dear friends, for such a wonderful weekend
I love you both
1 comment:
What a great trip. I love the oriental garden pics. The buddha made me smile. :-)
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