I thought I had finished coming out to all my clients and had clean forgotten about at least one, That was until today when one of them phoned me this morning asking if I could measure up a shower for him
Phil has known me only as Jason for over a year now , but I think really hes always known there's something a little different about me, but he's never questioned me about it, even though he has seen my changes as periodic snapshots so each development has been a bit more obvious for him, than those who I work with every day
He is one of my fairly regular clients. And knows that I always provide him with the best service and product
and as such never quibbles about price . I fact he never bothers to call at the office anymore as he knows he gets the best service by calling me direct.
Today we greeted as usual with a handshake and a quick catch up about what we've been up to
This is the moment when I let him know I have changed my name
his response was " I had better update my contact list then"
The part that really shocked me though was when he was rang the client for entry
without even a thought in one sentence
" Myself and Alice are here to measure up
Yes, she does excellent work "
he referred to me as Alice and She without even thinking about it.
and all I could say was "Thankyou"
Even Colin at work admits he has trouble with referring to me as She, and even with clients he will say
"Alice can help you with that, I'll get him to call you"
He even went on to state today when I asked him about that
" When you get your outy turned into in inny, I'll call you she "
I cant really fault him for that line of thought. I know he respects me as a person and that matters more to me than anything
I am looking forward to the day that I can finally afford to have my body totally in line with how I feel
and seeing so many of my friends having just had there surgeries or are only mere months away makes me more excited that in two years I might finally be able to afford both My facial feminisation surgeries and my own gender affirmation. excited just thinking about it
So to all my friends who have just had theirs or are just about to " Bitch" lol
seriously so happy for you all

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