A few of my friends have told me that I am far more passable than I believe I am
and that twisted shy scared and self doubting voice in my head always tells me
" there just being nice dear "
" your not really passable at all"
And me being me, I just blush smile and wish the words were true
I still see so many flaws when I look in the mirror. I'm not expecting it to shatter and explode into small shards from the hideous creature it tries to reflect
But I still so much room for improvement , I could list them all but I would bore you to tears
Yet almost all of the people I meet in my day to day working life, rarely even bat an eyelid when I introduce myself.
"HI I'm Alice And I will be installing your Shower?mirror etc"
They are nothing but polite and interested in seeing the fruits of my labour
And just this week one of my clients was explaining on the phone to his customer
"She recommends you go for this style of shower ,Alice also ......."
Hes only met me the once and the simple fact I'm a transgender girl doesn't even rate a thought
Then just today I'm all the way out at Wallan to install a shower on a building site .
next thing I hear one of the tradies Shout and curse and swear because someone stole all the doors he was meant to install from the garage (hour and a bit drive to find you cant work ,would annoy even the gentlest of souls )
As he walks around the corner he sees me quietly working away. And instantly the first words out of his mouth
" I'm sorry about swearing, I didn't realise we had a lady on site"
nope hes not wearing coke bottle glasses or stumbling around like he just left the bar
I seem to remember That for most of 2011 and the later half of 2010, I was getting odd looks and stares daily
and clients would make a comment or ask a question of me to try and understand what they were seeing
On more than one occasion I was quite directly asked if I am transitioning
to all these questions I would answer honestly and would elaborate if they asked more of me
So who do I believe
This voice in my head that doubts both myself as a person and my potential at every turn
my friends who care for me , and the overwhelming army of passer-bys that just accept and treat me as a female
Maybe just maybe, maybe I should learn to accept myself half as much as others seem to
crazy idea !

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