the Christmas work lunch

As the Christmas / coming out lunch drew ever closer . Instead of feeling daunted or feeling like maybe I shouldn't go never really entered my mind . Although I did detour to visit my Doctor to thank him for all the care he has given me this year, and a little trip to buy perfume and moisturiser .
So I arrived there fashionably late . and much to the surprise of everyone I arrived quite casually dressed in jeans, boots and a nice blue top that showed my shoulders. Armed with my favourite outfit and freshly styled hair. I was ready to show the true me to all
Charlie was the first to greet me still wearing a cap as always " Hi Alice how has your day been " . that pretty much set the tone for the day
everyone was so nice and friendly . Almost as if they knew how big a decision it was for me to be real with them all
of course I naturally gravitated to the girls table . I have always had better conversations with girls for obvious reasons. They were somewhat surprised to see me but with in minutes we were getting along fine and Maria asked a few pointed questions which I was only to happy to answer

Thomas(my boss) being the lout that he is thwacked my bra ,my response was to in my most put out voice ,claim that id have him for harassment . to which we all had a good laugh
I even got a peck on the cheek from one of the lads as I was leaving

No one there was surprised by me or my attire at all. So obviously they had all been waiting for me to be ready to come out in my own sweet time.
I am so looking forward to going back to work on the ninth as Alice and not having to look back at what could have been. Instead now I can at last relax totally and just be !

now I have another good reason to buy another Pandora charm  



Ina said...

I am so glad things went well. But I am not surprised. As people are not stupid they can tell someone with a good heart.

ellie said...

you have a great future ahead Miss alice... bless ya :0 xo

Bree said...

Awesome, Alice! :-) In my book guys who thwack bras deserve a wedgie..