Having tried a local lady for electrolysis mainly because she was local and reasonably cheap seeing that I would get full body waxing, eyebrows and electrolysis for under $200 a go.
Unfortunately she is getting older and her hands have the shakes, not what you need considering the intimacy of the work she performed
and yes I have the damage to prove it which will now cost me a $1000 to repair it
Needless to say now I get my Electrolysis with Andrea from
Just ASK permanent Hair Removal.
I know its supposed to be painful but compared to my other hair removal methods I've tried, its fairly pain free
Just ASK permanent Hair Removal.
I know its supposed to be painful but compared to my other hair removal methods I've tried, its fairly pain free
It does however fell weird to have 16 needles in and passing current to the destroying roots
but I soon got used to that.
Time seemed to be at a stand still as I lay there counting holes in the ceiling and play dot to dot, creating all manner of mythical beings. Even now I have no idea how long I lay there
Time seemed to be at a stand still as I lay there counting holes in the ceiling and play dot to dot, creating all manner of mythical beings. Even now I have no idea how long I lay there
And I love the fact that at the end of a session she can actually say I've destroyed 640 hairs
That's 640 hairs I wont have to worry about again.
I can from experience with other methods of hair removal over the years, quite happily recommend that any one interested in removing those pesky unwanted hairs to pay Andrea a visit.
Not because she's a member of our community, but because she is in my opinion excellent at her profession
Just ASK permanent Hair Removal
Leaders in multi needle electrolysis for permanent hair removal in both men and women.
Electrolysis is the only method of permanent hair removal on any type of hair.
Just Ask specialise in multi-needle electrolysis to remove hair from any part of the body including:
Face - Chest - Back - Under Arms - Shoulders - Arms and Legs
If you are serious about effectively removing hair permanently - Just ask!
Using only the best system and method of delivering a more efficient way of permanent hair removal with significantly less pain.
Owned and operated by Andrea and Susan,
Andrea herself a member of our trans community and Susan her loving wife.
By appointment only...
Email: justask.hairremoval@facebook.com
Phone 0419 037 699
Clinic Address
3 / 134 Ayr Street
Doncaster, VIC 3106

Stumbled upon your blog today and wanted to take a moment to Thank You for sharing your story. It's blogs like this that give me the encouragement to put my occasional crossdresseing days behind me and seek what I really long for - beginning my transition. I enjoyed seeing your pics as well. Very pretty. If I can look half as good someday, I'll be thrilled. Thanks again and best of luck moving forward.
Thank You Jenna
I'm so happy that my posts have been of help to you
Aside from expressing my feelings and experiences
I have always hoped that even one person may gain
Some form of help from my blog
So thankyou again
Feel free to look me up on Facebook if you wish
I hope your journey is filled with love laughter and good friends
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