Ok so its not that bad
but it does sting
but it does sting
After finally deciding that yes I will transition, I decided that the very first thing I should do is get rid of my "Desperate Dan Beard"
No one really likes a girl with whiskers that could strip the paint of a door
not to mention having a blue beard shadow is less than flattering and sure to get picked up on while your casually sipping a beverage at the bar.
not to mention having a blue beard shadow is less than flattering and sure to get picked up on while your casually sipping a beverage at the bar.
It seemed to take me ages to get the courage up to phone Rubesque beauty spa to make an appointment
yet as soon as Rubi answered my call,all my fears vanished and after a lovely chat I made my first booking
for the following evening
It was a rather strange feeling when I first entered Rubesque Beauty Spa. Essentially its an old house, that from the front looks respectable enough, but not something that advertises itself as a beauty spa.
Well was I ever shocked went I walked through the door, and that was the first of many surprises
as I ohhed and ahhed as I was lead through to the waiting room. The smells and beautiful furniture would not be out of place in a
Rubi and myself had a big chat discussing my hair removal and facial rejuvenation needs, and we came up with a plan that would remove those pesky whiskers and leave me with healthy radiant skin.
For the best part of two years I would count down the weeks till my next appointment, where in between zaps we would just natter and have a great time. I know hard to believe when every second there's another flick of a rubber band in your face.At the end of the treatment she always gave me a mini facial to soothe the irritation from IPL.
To me Rubi was the sister I never had, and the confidant I had always wanted in my life.
Even all these years later I miss my monthly appointment with my Rubi, followed by a night in so my skin could heal from the trauma of intense pulse light therapy
I'm sure Rubi knew or had an idea as to what was going on in my life, even though I never told her back then. But I never once felt like she treated me as a male.
You can see by the stripes. how effective IPL has been in removing my unwanted bristles.
If any of you lovely readers live in South Australia,
you could do no better than to visit my Gorgeous Rubi
17 Douglas Street
Flinders Park
South Australia
November 2009 |
November 2009 |
Photos taken one week after treatment
ance can be expected due to natural healing
If any of you lovely readers live in South Australia,
you could do no better than to visit my Gorgeous Rubi
Rubesque Beauty, Medi & Day Spa
17 Douglas Street
Flinders Park
South Australia

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