A Day to remember / Wardrobe malfunction

After having spent a wonderful day and evening with a good friend I had never met before .
We decided to head of to the "Transgender Day of Remembrance". a yearly event to mark the passing of some of our Sisters and  Brothers who we have lost to violent hate crime. It sounds grim I know but it is also a celebration of how much society has and is changing its viewpoint about our unique Gift/Curse .

I say Gift/Curse as we are equipped with a unique perspective on life, love and people that I wouldn't give up for all the world. We quickly learn not to judge solely based on what and how a person projects to the world as its  more often than not, the mask worn to protect themselves from judgement or ridicule

looking out the window with the sun shinning ,I assumed that this event will be at a park and  as its going to be a hot day.  I decided that I would try on my brand new and never worn $200 'Satch"dress that I found at the Salvo store for $30 
Its Smurf blue with these lovely pastel green braided spaghetti straps and impossible to wear a bra with.
I tried it on and my friend assured me I looked great in it , you have to love friends that tell the best lies 
teamed up with a pair of five inch strappy heels I had never worn we headed of to find a patch of grass 
Only to find that it was an indoors event, and I was going to bring a parasol and sunblock. Well this little miss felt very overdressed as I looked around to see my Sisters and Brothers all very casual and  hear I am in this quite revealing dress 
At the entryway there were this nicely made yellow ribbons symbolising the days festivities 
 As I dragged my handbag of my shoulder  to rummage for change to put t in the donation box the flimsy shoulder strap fell down my arm dragging the top of my dress. Here I am coins in jar and I have my whole left breast on display. I must have terrified the young man at the door but he hid it well and we both had a laugh about it 
Throughout the day I had similar although not as showy events. If I leant over the wrong way it would afford people a glimpse of a part of me I usually do not display.


Bree said...

I'm not a liar...you look gorgeous in that dress. I felt a bit overdressed myself too compared to the others, but it didn't matter. Of all places and times TDOR is a place to be, and express, yourself. (I nearly said,..let it all hang out..but that would have been crass).. D:
Finding our own comfort level of 'exposure' can take trial and error. I applaud your courage Alice, and admire your beauty. x

Bree said...

I find with my small titties that my dress straps fall a lot...vigilance is often needed..