panic on the dancefloor

I arrive and wander around looking to see my friends who haven't arrived yet ,I immediately begin to wonder if they are about to stand be up ,the way I have been lately . I couldn't blame them if they did 

At the bar I order a lemonade to try and quench this persistent dessert mouth I have lately . , two minutes later my friends arrive and we begin the hunt for a patch of comfortable space to occupy, a lovely comfy sofa is our prize . 
Within ten minutes I already know it wont be long till I have to go 
yet another lemonade which still wont help me get rid of the dessert in my mouth . so here I am with great people around me and I feel like an Island isolated and lost . 
There is a conversation that I want to listen into, but the crashing in my ears and the noise from the speakers destroys any hope  of even gleaning more than a syllable. by the time the menu comes around for me to see what delectable delights are on offer ,Well it may as well have been written in Swahili I now cannot focus on anything at all . so I politely say I'm not hungry  and don't want anything . This is true the thought of food makes me sick sometimes  
So within less than an hour I'm past the point of any comfort and I'm telling my best friend I have to go now . she's concerned I know and starts to ask why but I already know that I have to go before I break down completely.
I'm glad she is such a good friend and knew not to push or I would have made a very public mess of myself in another minute...

Walking out I hate myself for not being strong  and confident which I'm sure I must have been to transition and not really bother that I don't pass , most of the time I'm feeling like a fat pig in a dress . but I know that living as a boy was far worse for my health than this.
I walked down the backstreet's looking for my car only to realise I had headed out in the wrong direction so backtracking I pass one of my friends and thankfully she was to busy on her mobile to notice me 
It seems lately every time that a social situation comes up I back out.  I just hope my friends realise I have no control over my fears and stressors and there is nothing I would like more than to be going out with them dancing and showing the world just how bad I am at karaoke but right now I die before I get out the door . and choose instead to  hibernate in my 3 1/2m by 3m bedroom and sleep . Sometime i feel if I didn't have to work I would hide in their all day .

I have so many things I want to do and I have either avoid going or changed my mind at last minute 
If your one of my many wonderful friends please don't give up on me just yet


ellie said...

hang in there honey... you;re doing OK... confidence takes time, patience, persistence and sometimes some prescribed medications :) xo

Bree said...

You're not weak Alice. You're experiencing anxiety. I'm actually inspired by your courage and ability to be honest about it. I have no intention at all of 'giving up on you', and I'm sure the other girls feel the same. Huggs, hun. xx